
Sexy for Jesus

Before traveling towards the south in a few hours, I just wanted to tell you about potentially the best marketing idea of the millenium. It's so great it could be even spun by the Titanic editors. But it's not they who created it. This refreshing way of marketing cosmetics stems from Singapore. The brilliant Singaporean marketeers combined body care and religion and named their product range Lookin' Good for Jesus.
My favourite product is the hand and body cream, "Get Tight with Christ". That's really awesome, or as the Germans say "geil"! The times of good old chastity are over, also according to the leading shepherd in Germany (not the leading German shepherd, that one is in Rome) Robert Zillitsch, who is also thinking of getting rid of celibacy. And if you have been following christian news as closely as I've been you might know, that the Brasilian clergy also asked the pope to abandon that rule. Why am I not surprised it's the clerks from the copa cabana, who are asking for that? Yeah well, if gedankenpingpong were in Brasil, well then...

On the news

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